Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is the help provided to a person developing a mental health problem or in a mental health crisis. The first aid is given until appropriate professional treatment is received or until the crisis is resolved.

Mental Health First Aid Standard is a 12-hour course focused on adults interacting with adults in all environments. This program is certified through the Mental Health Commission of Canada.  

The course discusses both substance and mood-related disorders.

Crisis first aid skills for the following situations are learned:

  • Substance overdose

  • Suicidal behaviour

  • Panic attack

  • Acute stress reaction

  • Psychotic episode

  • Anxiety and trauma-related disorders

  • Psychotic disorders

*Now available as an online course

Mental Health First Aid Standard


Do you want to expand your professional practice, growth, learning, and wellness though working with animals?

CCAATA offers two levels of professional designation to become a CCAAT Practitioner: Certified Mental Health Practitioner or Certified Learning Practitioner.

CCAAT Practitioners are required to successfully complete a thorough and effective 5-step certification process to become fully certified.

“Animals are truly magical! They allow a child to BE and BEcome in a safe, trusting, and non-judgmental environment. This sets the foundation to reach their full potential.”

— Lil’ Steps Farm